Ways to Support The Foundation for MERS


Donations are used to fund grants in the following categories:

  • CREATIVE: We fund visual and performing arts initiatives in our schools to develop and enrich the creative potential of our students.

  • ADVANCE: We support professional advancement and development of administrators, teachers, and staff, helping them to learn new evidence-based practices that will optimize student performance.

  • RESPONSIVE: We respond to changes in technology by supporting the purchase of equipment and software, so students are skilled with the use of new and innovative technology.

  • EXCELLENCE: We promote academic excellence by supporting the introduction of an innovative curriculum to enhance the growth of all students.

  • SUPPORT: We provide support of extra-curricular, environmental, and social opportunities that promote physical and emotional well-being of all students.

The Foundation for MERS trustees vote on the disbursement of funds for grant requests submitted by MERS staff. The trustees make their decisions with guidance from district administrators and supervisors to assure all grants funded go along with the grade level curriculum it is intended for and that they will be beneficial to a significant number of students.

Recurring Donations
As little as $5 can mkae a difference!

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