Dr. John J. Marciante, Jr. receives the 2021 “The Janine Liegi Memorial Award”.
The 2020-2021 school year will go down in history for several reasons, as well the integrity, leadership and devotion that was demonstrated by Dr. John J. Marciante Jr. His relentless initiative and endless hours to insure all our K -8 students and staff were safe while maintaining and continuing to operate at our exceptional high standards during Covid 19 was just outstanding! In addition to many obstacles, he was also faced with tremendous budget cuts. Prior to the pandemic, Dr. Marciante has had many years of experience which allowed him to make countless personal connections with multiple County agencies who delivered important and captivating speakers and programs to our students.
Annually, The Foundation for MERS awards an individual from our community “The Janine Liegi Memorial Award”. The Janine Liegi Memorial Award recognizes an outstanding individual each year for their service. The recipient of this award exemplifies dedication to the district and personal sacrifice. They are committed to the community and are a true model of integrity. Their actions demonstrate the belief that all students can and will succeed. The recipient is awarded this honor at the Evening of Appreciation. For all the above fore mentioned qualities, it was quite clear to award Dr. Marciante with this honor. In addition, it was a perfect way to publicly thank him for his remarkable service to our district for the past 15 years as he retires as the superintendent of Manalapan Englishtown Regional School District
At The Foundation for MERS board meeting in June, held outside at the Manalapan Recreation Center. Dr. Marciante expressed his gratitude to the board, “I was both surprised and honored to receive this award. I had the opportunity to work with Janine and she was a special person, and this award holds a special place in my heart.”